Our Camps operate differently but require some of the same staffing. When you are looking at opportunities, please consider the following:
- McGimsey Scout Park Pool Seasonal Aquatics Staff: operate on a paid staff and volunteer structure. Supports the Day Camps and Bear Creek Summer Camp
Aquatics Programs, as required. Training may be provided for these positions if you apply early enough to attend (early April training).
- Boerne and Canyon Lake Day Camps operate strictly on a volunteer basis outside of our Camp Director and Program Director positions. We offer opportunities for Program Staff Positions to work for us and receive 1 scout entrance fee free. This does not include Den Walkers provided to meet the unit supervision requirements.
- McGimsey Cub Scout Day Camp operates on a Paid staff and volunteer structure. The opportunity to hold a position and receive 1 scout entrance fee free is available for program positions as well as paid hourly positions.
- Please ensure you know which camp you would like to apply for and which positions. This Document is broken down by Camp, then available positions with a quick description and details of each position.
Once you have determined the camp you want to apply for and the position you are interested in, please use this link to submit your application to be on Cub Scout Day Camp Staff: https://form.jotform.com/232136588963164
Boerne Day Camp: June 25 through June 27, 2024 (plus one day prior to this for staff training – TBD). Located at the Agricultural Heritage Museum, Boerne, TX. Camp time is from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, staff time will be approximately 7:30 am to 4:30 pm each day. Camp attendance averages 30 to 50 scouts each day.
- Range and Target Sports (Archery or BB Ranges)*: Must be 19 years of age or older and willing to attend training to be certified for Archery or BB Rangemaster (8-hour training). We can operate in a 1 to 8 ratio, so we will want a minimum of 2 to 3 people on each range – Volunteer positions.
- Program Area Leads*: Must be 16 years of age or older. Responsible for leading the program area assigned for a group of 10 to 12 scouts for each rotation. Program areas include Crafts, Games, Sports, Nature, etc. – Volunteer position.
- Program Area Assistants*: Must be 14 years of age or older. Assists the Program Area Leads in providing the designed programming for the area assigned. May be asked to participate in activities such as leading songs, chants and other themed activities to create the most exciting and engaging environment possible.
*this position qualifies to receive 1 scout entrance fee free if able to staff the required dates for the camp and the camp training.
Canyon Lake Day Camp: June 3 through June 6, 2024 (plus staff required training day on June 1, 2024). Located at Fischer Park in New Braunfels, TX. Camp time is from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, staff time will be approximately 7:30 am to 4:30 pm each day. Camp attendance averages around 100 scouts each day.
- Camp Director: Must be 21 years of age and willing to attend a weekend National Camp School to be certified for the Administration of a BSA Branded Cub Scout Day Camp. Responsible for personnel, all administrative activities of the camp including tracking expenses, supplies, NCAP standards, etc. Works directly with the Program director to ensure an amazing and outstanding camp is developed and implemented for our scouts. Required to attend monthly planning meetings on the last Wednesday of each month on zoom and any additional meetings internally with their camp staff. Works with Program Director to run the staff training held on June 1, 2024. This position is a paid position at $150 per day for the week of camp ($600.00)
- Range and Target Sports (Archery, Sling Shot or BB Ranges)*: Must be 19 years of age or older and willing to attend training to be certified for Archery or BB Rangemaster (8-hour training). We can operate in a 1 to 8 ratio, so we will want a minimum of 2 to 3 people on each range – Volunteer positions.
- Program Area Leads*: Must be 16 years of age or older. Responsible for leading the program area assigned for a group of 10 to 12 scouts for each rotation. Program areas include Crafts, Games, Sports, Nature, Fishing, etc. – Volunteer position.
- Program Area Assistants*: Must be 14 years of age or older. Assists the Program Area Leads in providing the designed programming for the area assigned. May be asked to participate in activities such as leading songs, chants and other themed activities to create the most exciting and engaging environment possible. Volunteer position.
- Aquatics Director*: Must be 21 years of age or older and hold a current National Camp School Aquatics Instructor Card with a current BSA Lifeguard and CPR/AED/FA/CPR PRO certification. Is responsible for supervising the aquatics area during canoeing activities offered during the programming. May not be an everyday required position. This is a volunteer position.
- BSA Lifeguard*: Must be 16 years of age or older and hold a current BSA Lifeguard certification with current CPRAED/FA/PRO certification. Supports the Aquatics director in supervising the boating area during canoeing activities at the camp. May not be an everyday required position, based on program design. This is a volunteer position.
*this position qualifies to receive 1 scout entrance fee free if able to staff the required dates for the camp and the camp training.
McGimsey Day Camp: June 10 through June 28 – in addition staff training – TBD and Camp Clean up days. through June 29, 2024 (plus staff required training day on June 1, 2024). Camp attendance averages around 100 scouts each day.
- Camp Director: Must be 21 years of age and willing to attend a weekend National Camp School to be certified for the Administration of a BSA Branded Cub Scout Day Camp. Responsible for personnel, all administrative activities of the camp including tracking expenses, supplies, NCAP standards, etc. Works directly with the Program director to ensure an amazing and outstanding camp is developed and implemented for our scouts. Required to attend monthly planning meetings on the last Wednesday of each month on zoom and any additional meetings internally with their camp staff. Works with Program Director to run the staff training held on June 1, 2024. This position is a paid position at $150 per day for the week of camp (3 weeks at $750 per week).
- Range and Target Sports (Archery, Sling Shot or BB Ranges)*: Must be 19 years of age or older and willing to attend training to be certified for Archery or BB Rangemaster (8-hour training). We can operate in a 1 to 8 ratio, so we will want a minimum of 4 to 5 people on each range – This is an hourly position – $16/hour
- Program Area Leads*: Must be 16 years of age or older. Responsible for leading the program area assigned for a group of 10 to 12 scouts for each rotation. Program areas include Crafts, Games, Sports, Nature, Fishing, etc. – This is an hourly position $15/hour
- Program Area Assistants*: Must be 15 years of age or older. Assists the Program Area Leads in providing the designed programming for the area assigned. May be asked to participate in activities such as leading songs, chants and other themed activities to create the most exciting and engaging environment possible. This is an hourly position $12/hour
- Den Walkers*: Must be 15 years of age or older. Is fully responsible for a group of 6 to 8 scouts and moving them from one program area to another. Provides mentorship and leadership to the group. Sets the example with songs and chants and keeps the scouts engaged. This is a paid position $12/hour
- Aquatics Director*: Must be 21 years of age or older and hold a current National Camp School Aquatics Instructor Card with a current BSA Lifeguard and CPR/AED/FA/CPR PRO certification. Is responsible for supervising the aquatics area during canoeing activities offered during the programming. May not be an everyday required position. This is an hourly position – $20/hour
- BSA Lifeguard*: Must be 15 years of age or older and hold a current BSA Lifeguard certification with current CPRAED/FA/PRO certification. Supports the Aquatics director in supervising the aquatics program at camp to include the after camp swim lessons. This is an hourly position – $16/hour
*this position qualifies to receive 1 scout entrance fee free if able to staff the required dates for the camp and the camp training. For McGimsey Day Camp this would be instead of receiving payroll.
Counselors in Training – All camps offer a Counselor in Training Program. This is for youth 14 to 15 years old that want to learn more about being on summer camp staff. This position supports the camp as extra hands and overall takes time to experience all the different areas so that they know where they would like to apply to work in future years. If you are interested in being a CIT at any of our Day Camps, apply here: https://form.jotform.com/232119257860154
Seasonal Aquatics Staff: This staff supports the operations of the McGimsey Scout Park Pool. This includes McGimsey Day camp, Swim Checks, Swim Lessons, and Pool rentals during the season the McGimsey Pool is open (May to September). Minimum age is 15 to be a BSA Lifeguard and over 21 to be an Aquatics Director. You can be certified as an Aquatics Instructor (lifeguard trainer) at 19. If you are interested in any of these positions, please apply through the Day Camp Staff Application, select the McGimsey Day Camps and select the Aquatics Section. We will host interviews for the Aquatics section separately from Cub Scout Day Camp through our Aquatics committee. We can provide training to get you the required certifications if you are committed to supporting us as a full season aquatics staff member. You apply to work as seasonal staff from May 1 to June 7 and then July 8 to September 30 if you want to work at Bear Creek Summer Camp from June 8 to July 7. Just apply for both camps.
- Aquatics Director: Must be 21 years of age or older and hold a current National Camp School Aquatics Instructor Card with a current BSA Lifeguard and CPR/AED/FA/CPR PRO certification. Is responsible for supervising the aquatics area during canoeing activities offered during the programming. May not be an everyday required position. This is an hourly position – $20/hour
- BSA Lifeguard: Must be 15 years of age or older and hold a current BSA Lifeguard certification with current CPRAED/FA/PRO certification. Supports the Aquatics director in supervising the aquatics program at camp to include the after camp swim lessons. This is an hourly position – $16/hour
For questions, please reach out to Adventure@AlamoAreaBSA.org