Virtual Eagle Board
Eagle Boards are being held via Zoom (tele-conferencing). Please read and follow the the links below:
IMPORTANT UPDATE: New Eagle Scout Project Service Workbook – Jan. 2023a. This will be required for any new proposal being submitted to the eagle boards.
Process Overview
1. Please complete the following form to begin the process.
Weblink: Virtual Eagle Board – Contact & Project Information
You will provide
- Contact Info
- Project Info
- Any Special Circumstances
- Additional Information
Scout, Parent and Leader will receive an email with the Google folder information
NOTE: All email addresses must be a google account. For security reasons, I cannot grant them access to the google folder until they have made their email address a google account or create a new one
- Link to create a google account:
- Note: you can use your existing email account, but just needs to be registered with Google Drive.
- Inform this email account once you create a google account.
- Link to create a google account:
2. Email Roadrunner Eagle Board
This will let us know that you have completed the form above.
3. Google Folder information
This will be how the Scout will provide information to the Eagle Board
4. Project Proposal Considerations
Project Proposals:
- Project Proposal should be well thought out and describe why they will likely succeed
- Must use latest Eagle Scout Project Service Workbook
- Eagle Scout Project Workbook – Proposal section completed
- Fundraising Form – must be provided for proposal
- Appropriate Signatures
- Project Diagrams
- Safety Considerations
- Before Project Pictures
5. Project Final Considerations
Project Finals
- Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook – All sections completed
- Appropriate Signatures
- Eagle Rank Application (signed by council)
- Council Register must validate Eagle Scout Rank Application
- Submit to Council for verification and signature – upload application to
- Council has a 2 week turn around time
- Life Ambition Letter
- Project Diagrams
- After Project Pictures
- Other information
- Recommendation Letters
- These should be emailed to
- Subject line: “Reference Letter – Troop XXX – Scout Name”
6. Eagle Board Members will perform an initial review of completeness
- Depending upon workload a review can take 2-3 weeks to be performed
- Once initial review is performed a board can be scheduled.
7. Schedule Eagle Proposal Review or Eagle Board of Review
- Boards are predominately scheduled for Thursdays
- Scheduling depends upon availability of board members, Scout, Leaders and parents.
- An email will be sent to scout, parent and scout leader of the scheduled time.
8. Eagle Project Reviews and Project Final Boards will be conducted via
- Please go to and download and install the video tele-conferencing software.
- Install Zoom and test prior to the project review/board would be helpful.
9. Eagle Certificates
- BSA National Office processes certificates and takes approximately a month.
If you have questions please email us at –
- BSA National Office processes certificates and takes approximately a month.
Link to document: Roadrunner Eagle Process – Tele-Conference Download