Boy Scouts of America, Alamo Area Council’s performance recognition program for units is named after Scouting’s founder, Robert Baden-Powell. BP’s spirit is alive and well in our local community. The heart of this Baden Powell recognition is to make better units. Ultimately, better units mean better programs for our youth. Learn more below.
Please read the information on this page, then follow the steps below to submit your unit’s application.
Recognition and BP Status Benefits
Baden Powell units will receive the following recognition and benefits:
- Adventure Guide magazine announcement
- Council website and newsletter shout-out
- FREE Baden Powell unit recognition streamer
- Weekend Rental Voucher for a FREE Campsite reservation at an Alamo Area Council Property*
- 5% Discounted pricing to all Alamo Area Council Outdoor Adventure events

The 10 Achievements to Becoming a Baden Powell Unit
As a Baden Powell unit, qualifying units exhibited the methods of Scouting as shown by:
- Submitting the Baden Powell Unit Excellence Award to the front desk by close of business (COB) on the date indicated on the application form.
- All Registered leaders are currently and completely trained in Youth Protection Training (YPT), Leader Specific Training, and Hazardous Weather Training for the position they hold prior to submission of the re-charter paperwork.
- A minimum of one registered adult leader can show proof of completing these training modules prior to submission of the re-charter paperwork:
- Take Safety Afloat (Online)
- Take Safe Swim Defense (Online)
- Read and be knowledgeable about the Guide to Safe Scouting (Online)
- For Catagory 1, a qualifying “Council Led Activity” consists of the following events: Mays Days, Friends of McGimsey, or Bear Creek Bash (see the Council Calendar).
- Submission of a completed unit charter, with all signatures and no errors, to the front desk during business hours by the end of November www.AlamoAreaBSA.org/Recharter
- Late applications will not be accepted. Applications will be reviewed in December and notifications will be sent out following the deadline by email to the Key Three.
- Only units that meet the requirements and can verify their performance for grading aspects will be issued the award. Qualifying units must meet the expectations stated here, while also earning a minimum of 500 points in 8 areas on the Baden Powell Unit Excellence Award while achieving at least a Tier 1 level in categories 2, 5, and 7 (see scoresheet for details).
*FREE Rental for unit weekend campsite rental is coordinated through the Outdoor Adventures Team based on facility availability at Bear Creek Scout Reservation, McGimsey Scout Park, and Mays Family Scout Ranch. Email Rentals@AlamoAreaBSA.org or visit www.AlamoAreaBSA.org/BadenPowell for more information. Includes campsite rental only, based on availability, void for use during Council events, and must be redeemed within the following calendar year.
Congratulations to the 2024 Award earners:
- Pack 51
- Pack 85
- Pack 107
- Pack 152
- Pack 471
- Pack 500
- Pack 502
- Pack 537
- Pack 601
- Pack 1492
- Troop 58B
- Troop 58G
- Troop 111
- Troop 157
- Troop 228
- Troop 361
- Troop 374
- Troop 485
- Troop 512B
- Troop 512G
- Troop 537
- Troop 650
- Crew 324
- Crew 007
- Ship 26
- Post 816