Support for Scouts In Need to Attend Camp!
Is it time to make your Summer Camp plans? Don’t let financial barriers stop your scout from attending camp!
Scouting America, Alamo Area Council (AAC) offers scout youth financial support of up to 50% of the early bird registration fee at Council owned properties and controlled summer camp events like Fall Camp and Summer camps, Akela Adventure Camp, Cub Scout Day Camp, and even some of our Fall events.
There are several sources for financing the camping experience:
- the youth’s family
- unit product sales like Pecatonica River popcorn and discount value cards called ‘Adventure Cards’
- a campership, if needed.
The family’s income aid is a traditional way to pay for summer camp. The Council has added popcorn and camp card sales so the youth of a unit may practice the Scout Law – a Scout is Thrifty. The Council suggests that Troops, Packs and Crews that have sold Camp Cards and Popcorn, track the amount those youth who have sold, produce, so they can use the money to go to camp during the summer. If the family of the youth is unable to pay the total cost of the Camp and the youth’s earnings from product sales are insufficient, then a Campership request is there to assist. The Campership, however, will only cover up to 50% of the early registration camp fee.
The Campership Committee meets regularly during the spring to review and award financial support. If your application or a unit endorsement is not received in a timely manner, it will take more time to receive results. All results will be emailed out to the applicant using the email address entered on the application.
Application Instructions – Please Read
- Scouts applying for Camperships must also participate in one of the Council Fundraisers (Popcorn Sales and/or Camp Cards) Start planning for your ongoing adventures by telling your unit leader you wish to participate the Popcorn Fundraiser starting in August.
- The application must be filled out by a member of the scout’s immediate family. Unit leadership are able to add support to the application through the Unit Endorsement process prior to the committee receiving and reviewing the application.
- Applications require a unit endorsement prior to being reviewed by the campership committee. Once an application is received, the Unit’s Committee Chair and Scoutmaster/Cubmaster will be contacted via email with a link to the unit endorsement form. Please fill out the unit endorsement in the scout’s name to the best of your ability, and then submit it for review. Each individual scout applying requires an individual unit endorsement.
- Once a campership has been awarded, an email notification will be sent to the address included on the application. It is the responsibility of this person to notify anyone else within the unit that may need to know.
- Camperships applications must be received 2 weeks prior to the close of the registration of the event you are applying for. This allows time to request and receive the Unit Endorsement and to have the committee review it and award it prior to Registration closing. If you have missed this deadline, please reach out to to see if we can still accept an application for the event you are applying for.
Campership grants are only available to registered youth scouts in the Alamo Area Council, South Texas Council and Rio Grande Council.
Scout must show that they are “Earning their own way” in the Application form
Campership grants are non-transferable between Scouts.
Camp deposits are not necessary to consider funding requests.
Completion of a campership application does not guarantee a campership grant.
Camperships are offered on the basis of available funds and verified individual need.
Information provided on the campership application is confidential and will be only be used to process your request for a Campership
If you have any questions about the campership process, please email