Dues paying OA members are encouraged to participate regularly in lodge events and activities. For official dates please visit the OA Calendar to view upcoming events. OA Calendar
Induction Weekends
The lodge holds two induction weekends each year to welcome new members into our Brotherhood of Cheerful Service. The gatherings are held in September (Alternating-Mays or McGimsey) and May (Mays Family Scout Ranch for 2025).
We have two fellowships every year where our members come together to enjoy in fellowship, friendship, and service. The Spring Fellowship is traditionally in March or April. The Fall Fellowship is traditionally the third weekend at Bear Creek (MFSR for 2025) and is our annual Vigil Call out.
Ceremonies is the first introduction a scout gets to the Order of the Arrow. Contact your chapter to find out about getting started with ceremonies. If your chapter doesn’t have a ceremony team, contact the Vice-Chief of Inductions to find out how to get one started.
The conclave is an adventure for all members of the OA from across our section to gather for a weekend of fun, fellowship, training, events and competitions. It is an OA event at the Area level of Scouting with the purpose to bring together members from the nine lodges in Section G2.
Council Wide Campout
This event is generally held in the February/March time frame and is for all registered scouts from Webelos on up. There will be fun activities, challenges, competitions, a huge stage show, and lots of fellowship! The lodge will offer callouts, brotherhood walks, games and other activities.
Lodge Banquet
Members of the Aina Topa Hutsi #60 lodge annually gather to celebrate both youth and adult arrowmen accomplishments and recognize those who have given exemplary service. Upcoming banquet celebrating the 2024 year is January 25, 2025.
National Order of the Arrow Conference or NOAC
The National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC) is a multi-day event which usually takes place on a university campus east of the Mississippi River, bringing together thousands of delegates from Order of the Arrow lodges around the nation for training and activities.
NOACs are held every two years, with exceptions made to align the event with significant anniversaries. In particular, the deferral from 2008 to 2009 aligned the schedule with the Order of the Arrow’s 100th anniversary in 2015 and avoids a conflict with the 2010 National Scout Jamboree (which was similarly deferred from 2009 to align its schedule with the Boy Scouts of America’s 100th anniversary in 2010).
OA High Adventure
Each summer, the Order of the Arrow offers a myriad of different High Adventure opportunities to meet your summer needs. Maybe it’s whetting your appetite by going for a plunge in the Atlantic Ocean with the Ocean Adventure at the Florida Sea Base. Or maybe hiking is your passion; if so, what better place to go than the Philmont Scout Ranch, where you can hike the same trails as your Scoutmaster or Scouting ancestors as a part of your Trail Crew experience? Have you ever thought about what the Native Americans and early explorers did to be avid traders? Maybe the OA Voyage is your calling. Whatever your summer aspirations may be, these National High Adventure bases have put together a multitude of options for you.
Scout Expo
We hold our annual business meeting during the annual Scout Expo held in August. We install our newly elected officers, celebrate our outgoing officers and talk about the exciting things to come.
Annual Lodge Business Meeting
Service Days
Additional opportunities for Service.
Behind every OA function is the need for planning and leadership. Lodge Leadership Development (LLD) offers Lodge and Chapter officers the chance to learn through pieces of training aimed at improving leadership and teaching about the many facets of the Order.
Behind every Chapter function is the need for planning and leadership. Chapter Leadership Development (CLD) offers Lodge and Chapter officers the chance to learn through pieces of training aimed at improving leadership and teaching about the many facets of Chapter Operations.
Vigil Callout
The Vigil Callout ceremony is designed to publicly recognize those outstanding lodge members who have been selected for the Vigil honor. Aina Topa Hutsi Lodge has made this a one-of-a-kind ceremony that is enjoyable for the entire family.