Registration is not yet open for the 2026 Contingent. We are still putting our committee together to help determine our package and pricing.
See below for instructions and registration links. – COMING SOON
National Jamboree, July 22-31, 2026 at the Summit Bechtel Reserve (SBR), in Glen Jean West Virginia.
Every three years, the National Council of Scouting America organizes the ultimate Scout experience, the National Jamboree! It is a National encampment that brings together Scouts and adult leaders from throughout the country, along with visiting Scouts from other parts of the world. It is the ultimate in Scouting experiences where you will be able to take part in mountain climbing, kayaking, rafting, shooting, SCUBA and many, many more activities, while meeting Scouts from around the world.
Contingent Composition: Our council contingent will consist of a Boy Troop, Girl Troop and Venture/Sea Scout Crew.
Contingent Itinerary: The contingent plans to depart from San Antonio International very early on July XX, 2026 for Charlotte, North Carolina. Upon arrival, our youth will visit the U.S. National Whitewater Center, where the scouts will spend the afternoon taking part in all the activities that have to offer. After an overnight stay in a local hotel, the contingent will then be bused to the SBR for the National Jamboree. We expect the contingent will return to San Antonio via Charlotte late on July XX, 2026.
For general questions on Jamboree, please contact the Alamo Area Council Outdoor Adventure Director by email at jamboree@AlamoAreaBSA.org or by calling the office 210-740-9370.
Youth Eligibility Requirement
In order to attend the National Jamboree, youth must meet the follow criteria;
Scouts BSA Scouts:
— Must be at least 12 years of age by July 17, 2026, but have not turned 18 by July 22, 2026
— Participate in pre-Jamboree training experiences in our council, file a BSA Health and
Medical Record by deadline, and submit all fees by the council payment schedule
Venturers and Sea Scouts.
— Must be registered with a Venturing Crew or Sea Scouts Ship and be at least 14 by July 17, 2026 or 13 and have completed 8th grade but have not turned 21 by July 22, 2026.
— Participate in pre-Jamboree training experiences in our council, file a BSA Health and
Medical Record by deadline and submit all fees by the council payment schedule.
We are still finalizing the contingent cost at this time and will post it, along with a payment schedule prior to the opening of registration.
The contingent fee will include National entry fee ($XXXX), all transportation, meals, hotel stay, shirts, patches, patrol and troop equipment, training camp before the jamboree, insurance, contingent mementos and activities at the US White Water Rafting Center in Charlotte NC (2023 information. 2026 is still be determined what will be included)
Jamboree contingent Scouts will have the ability to earn sales commission during the 2025/26 Adventure Card and the 2025 fall popcorn sales! There will also be other fundraising opportunities to allow the scout to pay their own way. Check back for more details.
Once open, registration for the National Jamboree is a 2 Step Process that must be completed in this order.
Step 1 – The first step in the process is to register with the Alamo Area Council Contingent and pay your deposit.
Step 2 – The second step is to register your scout on the National Jamboree Website. In order to register with the national, your scout will need THEIR OWN my.scouting.org account.
For general questions on Jamboree, please contact the Alamo Area Council Outdoor Adventure Director by email at jamboree@AlamoAreaBSA.org or by calling the office 210-740-9370.