Scouting forms from the National Scouting America Council can be found online by clicking HERE.
Additional Information and Forms:
On Medical/Health-Related Forms
- Please Retain a Copy of your Medical Form/Health form for your records and for future council events.
- Please fill in all blanks within the forms
- Please use “N/A” if blank does not apply to you
- Make sure the tetanus shot information section is provided
- Besides the above Medical Related forms link, you will always find the most current information on these forms at
Scouting America Annual Health and Medical Record FORMS
On Units:
- New/Transfer Member Application Checklist
- Unit Money Earning Application
- Individual Scout Accounts and Fundraising by Scouting America Units
- Individual Scout Accounts and Fundraising by Scouting America Units – SPANISH
- Scouting America Fiscal Policies and Procedures for Scouting America Units
- Scouting America Fiscal Policies and Procedures for Scouting America Units – SPANISH
- How Your Unit Updates Its Information on
Finance Forms: