2024 Council Prizes
Unit are encouraged to create their own prize structure and Council will offer the 5% commission previously allocated towards prizes as a new sign-up by July 10th and sell SNS/TO commission. Council prize submission is due Sunday, November 3rd at 10:59 PM on the Council Online Prize Submission form. ALL Scouts qualify for ranking, Top 100 Spin N’ Win party, $50 patches, $600 club weekly drawing, $800 t-shirts and Pecatonica River Winner Circle!
Pecatonica River Winner Circle is for every Scout selling Pecatonica River popcorn! Scouts get to pick a prize out of the Winner Circle for every $3,000 sold. Prize submission is due by 6:00 PM on December 1st in the Pecatonica River popcorn system. Most if not all Winner Circle prizes will arrive by December 25th, if invoice paid in full by December 3rd payment deadline.
Note: Your Unit account must be paid in full before your Unit’s prizes will be approved and released by Council and Pecatonica River.
Who is eligible: All Scouts who sell Pecatonica River popcorn during the 2024 season. Levels are cumulative and are calculated using Show & Sell, Take Order, and Online sales.
Total sales from Show & Sales, Take Order, and Online MUST be entered in the Council Online Prize Submission form by a Unit Leader to be calculated and counted towards all Council offered incentives. Individual Scout sales totals for all sales types must be entered in the prize submission form by a Unit Leader.
All deadlines will be strictly enforced. Deadlines listed at the bottom of this page.
Scouts must sell at least $50 in popcorn to receive a Popcorn Patch.

Scouts that sell $600 (and in $600 increments beyond $600) may be entered for a chance to win a $50 Scout Shop Gift Card.
- Each Scout’s entry (entries) will carry over into following weeks.
- For every $600 a Scout sells, he/she may receive one entry in this drawing.
- Drawings will be held each week and posted no later than Thursday of each week.
- Individual Scouts may only win once.
- Scout eligibility will be determined by data provided through the Council $600 club form submission.
- Unit Popcorn Leaders must submit entries through Council $600 Club form by 10:59 PM each Monday for Scouts to be considered for that week’s drawing.
- Submissions will not be accepted by email.
- All entries verified through Scout Boss and online sales system.
- Winners must pick-up gift card by December 31st or it will no longer be available. Gift cards cannot be picked up from the Scout Shop.
$800 CLUB
Sell $800, or more, and receive a specially designed t-shirt! Size requests must be submitted via Council Online Prize Submission Form no later than 10:59 PM Sunday, November 3rd.
Pecatonica River $3000 Winner Circle
Sell $3000, or more, and pick a prize for every $3000 sold. Items must be submitted via Pecatonica River Popcorn System no later than 6:00 PM Sunday, December 1st.
- $200 Amazon gift card
- $200 Best Buy gift card
- $200 AMC Gift Card
- AirPods
- Amazon Fire 10″ Tablet
- 42″ Smartcast TV
- Electric Scooter
- Quadcopter Drone

Top selling Scouts will be determined using the Scout Tracking information as entered by Unit Leaders into the Council Online Prize Submission Form.
Top selling Units will be determined by the total amount of checked-out product listed on the Unit invoice from Scout Boss and total online sales combined.
- TheTop 100 sellers, Council-wide, will be invited to take part in the annual Spin-n-Win Party only if entered by the Unit Leadership/Kernel into the Council Online Prize Form.
2024 Top 100 reports pulled November 3rd at 11:00 pm and posted before Thanksgiving.
Unit ranking will not be posted until all American Hero Donation forms have been submitted.
All Individual Scout sales totals for ALL sales types MUST be entered in the Council Online Prize Submission Form by a Unit Popcorn Leader by Sunday, November 3rd, 10:59 PM to qualify for Council level prizes.
Mondays, 10:59 PM – $600 Club Weekly Drawings deadline
Sunday, November 3rd, 10:59 PM – Prize Submission DUE
End of sale in regards to patches, $800 club t-shirt and Council ranking for Spin & Win Party and Top 100. After this date, the Council reserves the right to decline requests.
If your Unit still has popcorn, it can be sold after November 3rd and Scouts can continue to earn towards Pecatonica River’s Winner Circle for sales through December 1st.
Sunday, December 1st, 6:00 PM – WINNER CIRCLE DUE
Winner circle submissions due by 6:00 PM in the Pecatonica River Popcorn System.
All deadlines are strictly enforced.