This section is your source for the history and organization of Aina Topa Hutsi
Lodge Contacts
Lodge Chief – Rosko Everts
- Email:
- Home Chapter: Coyote
- Home Town: San Antonio, Tx
Lodge Advisor – John Fuentes
- Email:
- Home Chapter: Coyote
- Home Town: San Antonio, Tx
Lodge Staff Advisor – Michael De Los Santos
- Email:
- Home Chapter: All of them
- Home Town: San Antonio, Tx
Supreme Chief of the Fire – Michael De Los Santos
- Email:
- Home Chapter: All of them
- Home Town: San Antonio, Tx
Lodge Organization and Committees
The lodge has an elected Chief and Vice Chiefs. Each Vice Chief has committees, and committee chairs that report to them. Each offers an opportunity to serve.
History Of Aina Topa Hutsi
The Arrowhead Lodge was chartered in 1931 and was the 60thLodge in the nation to be chartered. The charter lapsed until 1938 where it was reissued and approved as Aina Topa Hutsi Lodge with the perpetual burning flame as it’s totem. Aina Topa Hutsi has a rich history that has been documented by many members’ stories from its beginning and we invite you to read more about it. If you have stories to add to our history, please send them to
Lodge Chiefs of Aina Topa Hutsi
The lodge chief is the elected youth leader of the Lodge. The Lodge Chief is elected each year. In Aina Topa Hutsi the Lodge Chief’s Term Starts in August.
Lodge Advisers of Aina Topa Hutsi
The lodge adviser is a BSA adult volunteer appointed by the Scout Executive. We do not have a complete list of the Lodge Advisers please send any information you may have to fill in the gaps to
Supreme Chiefs of the Fire
The Supreme Chief of the Fire is also the Scout Executive for the Alamo Area Council.
Order of the Arrow Founder’s Award Recipients
Members of Aina Tops Hutsi that have earned the Founder’s Award.