Welcome to the Alamo Area Council’s Exploring Page-If you have questions or need assistance with the Program, please contact Steven.Verm@Scouting.org.

Exploring is Learning for Life’s career education program for young men and women who are 14 (and have completed the eighth grade) or 15 to 21 years old. Exploring’s purpose is to provide experiences to help young people mature and to prepare them to become responsible and caring adults. Explorers are ready to investigate the meaning of interdependence in their personal relationships and communities.

Explorer posts can specialize in a variety of career skills. Exploring programs are based on five areas of emphasis: career opportunities, life skills, citizenship, character education, and leadership experience.
Exploring Guide
The updated Exploring Guidebook for Youth and Adult Leaders has been posted at www.exploring.org in the “Unit Resources” box. This is an Exploring leader’s one-stop-shop for building long-lasting Exploring posts and clubs.
What’s different about this new edition?
- A new, rebranded look and feel
- Half the number of pages
- A new index
- Updated references to program policies and processes
- A new section about funding your unit
Career Opportunities
• Develop potential contacts that may broaden
employment options
• Boost self-confidence and experience success
at school and work
Life Skills
• Build physical and mental fitness
• Experience positive social interaction
• Encourage the skill and desire to help others
• Gain a keen respect for the basic rights of others
Character Education
• Help make ethical choices
• Fulfill one’s responsibility to
society as a whole
Leadership Experience
• Acquire leadership skills to fulfill
one’s responsibilities in society
Career Fields and Programs