The Boy Scout Golf Classic is a four-player scramble golf tournament held annually to benefit the programs of the Boy Scouts of America, Alamo Area Council. Along with a $10,000 putting contest, there are contests for longest drive, closest to the pin, and Hole-in-One opportunities. The Golf Classic is sponsored by the Rotary Club of San Antonio at the Dominion and DOCUmation. We welcome you to participate in this special event. Details for this year’s tournament can be found below.
October 14th, 2024
The Dominion Country Club
1 Dominion Dr, San Antonio, TX 78257

Registration Open………………………….10:30 AM
Driving Range Open……………………… 11:00 AM
Box Lunches………………………………….11:30 AM
Starters Briefing…………………………….12:15 PM
Shotgun Start………………………………..12:30 PM
$10,000 Putting Tournament Final…..Post-Tournament
Reception and Awards……………Following Tournament
Special events, such as the Boy Scout Charity Golf Classic, support Scouting programs council-wide.