Your financial investment, plus your time and talent, is among the greatest gifts you can give. Take a moment to make an investment in our community’s future and help ensure the continued legacy of Alamo Area Council Scouting.
About Give the Adventure:
Give the Adventure is an opportunity for families, friends, alumni, business and community organizations to support Scouting. Help us provide the resources necessary to make sure every youth can benefit from Scouting’s fun, exciting, adventure-filled activities that foster character, honesty, respect and life-long values. The annual Scouting registration fee goes directly to the national office of the Boy Scouts of America. If a Scout unit collects dues, that money stays with the unit to help pay for supplies, advancements and other activities. None of that money helps the Alamo Area Council. In order to keep Scouting affordable for all youth, the council runs an annual Give the Adventure fundraising campaign.
Give the Adventure helps:
- Recruit and train youth and leaders
- Provide assistance to those in need
- Keep our camps and activities affordable
- Enhance programming and facilities
- Provide communication tools for volunteer leaders
Give the Adventure contributions provide approximately 24% of the support the council receives each year. The success of Scouting depends on those who support it. Please help Scouting provide the resources necessary to make sure every youth can benefit from Scouting’s fun, exciting, adventure-filled activities that foster character, honesty, respect and life-long values.
Your generous tax-deductible gift to the Boy Scouts of America provides direct funding for educational initiatives and active learning that program fees alone do not cover – is a statement about your belief in Scouting, our programs and our properties and in our belief in educating the entire mind of the young people.
Consider a Sustaining (Ongoing) Gift
Please consider a sustaining gift! It is a convenient and reliable way to manage your financial support for the Boy Scouts of America, Alamo Area Council through ongoing monthly payments, which are automatically transferred from your bank account or credit card. A record of each monthly contribution will appear on your bank account or card statement.
Benefits of a Sustaining (Ongoing) Gift
As a sustaining gift donor, you will:
- Enjoy the convenience of secure, automatic monthly payments that transfer from your bank account to The Boy Scouts of America, Alamo Area Council
- Enable more dollars to go to programs by helping reduce the Council’s administrative and mail costs
- Receive a calendar year-end report of your contributions for tax purposes
- Know that your continuing contribution provides South Central Texas with the Scouting program for years to come!
Your annual commitment will be automatically renewed. If your circumstances change, you can choose to increase, decrease or suspend your monthly contribution amount by calling Boy Scouts of America, Alamo Area Council staff during business hours at 210-341-8611 ext. 118.
You can mail your check to:
Boy Scouts of America, Alamo Area Council
2226 NW Military Hwy.
San Antonio, TX 78213
You can set up your sustaining gift over the phone by calling:
210-341-8611 ext. 116 and speaking with Lynn Yakubik
You can use your credit card, debit card, or ACH.