Duty to God in Scouting
A Scout is reverent. A Scout youth is reverent toward God. He or she is faithful in their religious duties and respects the convictions of others in matters of custom and religion.
There are many ways to show reverence and Duty to God in scouting. Each rank has an element of reverence and every unit has a position devoted to encouraging youth to uphold the twelve points to the Scout Law and promote the various Religious Emblems Programs. Chaplains, Chaplain Aides, and Religious Emblems Coordinators are needed. If you have any interest in volunteering in these roles but do not know where to start please contact us. Below is the email for the Council’s Religious Relations Committee. DutytoGod@AlamoAreaBSA.org.

To encourage members to grow stronger in their faith, religious groups have developed the following religious emblems programs. The Boy Scouts of America has approved of these programs and allows the emblems to be worn on the official uniform. The various religious groups administer the programs. Contact the religious organization directly to obtain the curriculum booklets.
For more information about Religious Emblems Programs, click HERE or see below…
- Duty to God Program Information
- Review the Frequently Asked Questions about Religious Emblems Programs
- Learn How to Get Started on these programs
- See our chart of Religious Emblems Programs
- Watch the Religious Emblems Coordinator informational video
- Contact your local council service center or the appropriate religious organization (contact information is provided on the chart.) Contact your or the appropriate religious organization (contact information is provided on the .)