VOA Officer Application Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *Phone *Crew Number *District *FiestaRiverCoyoteRoadrunnerOak TreeMesquiteI am applying for the position of: (position descriptions can be found on the registration page) *PresidentVice President of AdministrationVice President of ProgramVice President of CommunicationI, the nominee, hereby certify that I meet the qualifications for the above‐nominated position. I understand that I may apply for multiple positions; however, if selected, I can serve in only one position per year. I am in good standing with my Crew and Alamo Area Council, will be of Venturing age during the entire term, and agree to the terms of the outlined position below. *I AgreeList your qualifications and justification for you to serve in the position selected above. Applicants seeking nomination for multiple positions may submit a separate application for each desired position. Examples of qualifications would be prior crew and troop leadership positions, awards/ranks earned, non-scouting awards and leadership positions, skills that are applicable to the position, etc. *Parent/Guardian's Name *FirstLastMy parent(s) or guardian(s) have been informed of my decision to apply for this position and have reviewed this application with me *Parent/Guardian acknowledgement.Parent/Guardian's Email *Parent/Guardian's Phone *Crew Advisor's Name *FirstLastCrew Advisor's Email *Crew Advisor's Phone *MessageSubmit